Case Study

A Must-Watch Interview...

How Kauffman Chiropractic Gets 60-70% of All Leads to Schedule, Show Up, AND Accept Care!

Clients of ChiroCandy's Since 2017!

Have your staff watch this...

Transcript of the interview


All right. I'm excited to have the Kauffman's, Drs. Kauffman's on here with us. They have been a client for almost four years now. I don't know if you all realize it had been that long. I know it had been a minute but consistently, they are just doing such a great job in getting the leads or they call them sign-ups, getting those people to come in the office. And so I wanted to do this video to talk about their process and what they're doing and how they're doing it, to help all you guys watching out there but first off, can you tell us a little bit about your experience working with ChiroCandy?


Would you like me to start off?

Dr. Danielle:

Yeah, you can start off if you like.


Well, ChiroCandy ... We've been with them for a while but last year, we had the opportunity to really see what a difference it made during COVID. I had been the practice rep here for almost eight years. During COVID, events were canceled and we desperately needed a way to connect with people in our community that needed us during that time. My experience is during COVID, I had one of my best months as a practice representative because of ChiroCandy. I started reaching out to people who had signed up several months before, calling them again and the response was excellent. We have really built on that and seen a lot of success.


Very good. Whenever we have ... This is something that we see a lot. I don't want to say a lot but from time to time, we'll have doctors say, "Hey, I'm getting leads but they're really poor quality."


Dr. Danielle, if you don't mind, I would like you to touch on your response to this. I was fortunate enough to have dinner with you guys here last month. And you got on a soap box about this a little bit and I wish we would've recorded it then but when somebody says hey, they're getting poor quality leads or sign-ups coming in, what would your response be to that?

Dr. Danielle:

Well, there is no such thing as a poor-quality signup. These are human beings, people. They signup, they click, they might wake up at two in the morning and be in pain and they find us and click. They need us. Who are we to say, "This is a poor lead or signup?"

Dr. Danielle:

There is no such thing. These are people that have problems and they need us. And they're all great quality patients, everybody is. Any prospective patient is a quality patient, whether they come from a screening in person or a signup on Facebook. And if they end up not coming in, I was telling you at dinner, it doesn't mean, "No, I don't want to come in."

Dr. Danielle:

It means maybe not yet but they needed us at that time. And it's our responsibility to reach back out to them that day, that week, that month, three months later and try to get them to come to see us. And Amber's been very successful with that.


Yeah, I think that's great because one of the things that we always say is, they did not accidentally click on the ad.

Dr. Danielle:

No, they didn't.


Well, okay. Let's say they did. They didn't accidentally type in their name and their phone number and their email address. And some of our offices do surveys. They didn't fill that out accidentally. On some level, there was interest there. And I love what you're saying is, even if it's not right now, within the next couple of weeks or couple of months, there's a great chance if you continue to follow up, like you guys do, that you can get these people to come in. On average, I pulled up your numbers earlier and in the past seven days, you guys have had 34 sign-ups come in. Can I ask, on average, out of those, what are you expecting to show up on average?

Dr. Danielle:



Do you know your numbers?


Yeah. On average, the people that signup, we get anywhere between 60 and 70% of them to book and schedule their appointments. And then the majority of those folks arrive for their appointments. We've had a lot of success.


Yeah. That's really, really good. Let's talk about your process. Whenever you guys are using the app, the dashboard, the ChiroCandy app, when you get notified that someone just signed up, take us through your process.


Sure. There's a couple of things that are really important to us. As soon as we get that lead ... Well, sorry. Not lead, signup. That's what they're ...


We call them leads so that's ...


Well, we're supposed to call them sign-ups because these people are signing up.


Exactly. Yeah, that's good.


They're needing us. Once we get that signup, as soon as we get it, we are calling that patient first. We are texting them and we are sending them an email within minutes, two or three minutes because we know that they're already thinking about this. They just filled their information out. Getting them right away is really important. Having a sense of urgency, as soon as you get their information and then also being incredibly organized once you do get their information. We just have a simple spreadsheet that we use every month to put their information in because if you don't, there's really no way to care for these individuals properly. They get called, right away. They get a text right away. They get an email right away. And if we're not reaching them in that first attempt, they're getting recontacted a few days later. And then they're getting contacted again a few weeks down the road. And then I have a system for myself as well, where I'm reaching out two months, a few months and then a few older months. And so these folks are getting contacted a lot.


I was actually shocked when we did start really reaching back out to ... We've been with you guys for four years now, sign-ups from three or four years ago when I was doing this full time during COVID, people that were picking up the phone, scheduling their appointments, coming into the office three and four years later.


Wow, that's great.


It is pretty incredible but I would have to say, being really organized is vital. You can't just, "Oh, this person signed up. I called them, hope they show up."


You got to be really diligent about it. And we talked about this in a meeting we had earlier. The reason that we like to call them sign-ups instead of leads, is it's not just logging a name, a number and an email. This is an individual with a need. And just really keeping that passion for people's wellness at the forefront every time you're making that phone call, that there's somebody that's going to answer that really needs this, keeping that connection.


That's great. I really love you all's mindset when it comes to this, calling them sign-ups and each person is someone living and breathing who has needs. I think that's great. There's been a couple of things you said. One, you guys follow up immediately. And that is so crucial because the longer you wait ... Here's a great example. Let's say it's the weekend and there's yard work I need to get done. I've been putting it off but I'm finally motivated. Go change, get on my old tennis shoes to go work in the yard. And then the phone rings, I get distracted. It's my brother, cousin, friend, whatever. And so I'm on the phone with them for 10 to 15 minutes, I hang up. All that motivation's gone. You know what, "I'll do the yard the next day."


And that was just a little bit of time that my motivation totally shifted. Whenever they first signup, they're motivated, they stopped what they were doing. They were on the internet. If you're ever going to be distracted, it's going to be on the internet. They stopped what they were doing.

Dr. Bob:



They saw your post, your ad. They filled out the information. They were motivated. That's the absolute best time to get them. Amber, let me ask you this. I'm a signup. You call me, can you go through your script?


I would just say, "Hey, this is Amber. I'm with Kauffman Chiropractic. I'm just reaching out to help you schedule your appointment time for your special appointment with the chiropractor. We have our office here in Merrillville. We have availability today at four o'clock and we have an appointment tomorrow at 10. What works best for you?"


That's great.


Yeah. And just keeping it really simple, keeping them ... If you call someone and you say, "Hey, we're helping you to schedule your appointment. What time do you want to come in?"


This could be a half-hour discussion, so just staying on task. When you're making those calls right away, have the available schedule already pulled up in front of you, give them two options. If they can't do either one, give them two more, narrow down what their availability is. Just keep it very simple and keep them guided. As soon as they pick a time, "All right, we are ... "


I avoid using the word reserving this appointment because you think about a restaurant reservation, it can be canceled easily, right. I always say, "We are booking and scheduling this appointment for you with the doctor. You'll get a reminder the day before. We can't wait to meet you."


Just guiding with a little bit of authority and letting them know, "This is very important. We're very excited to meet you."


And then making sure that you're doing that reminder the day before, making sure that they're getting that reminder text or call with the address to the office so it's easy for them to show up the next day.


That's good. What are some of the objections that you might get whenever you call somebody?


You get a lot of, "Oh, I don't know what my work schedule is going to be like."


Okay. Well again, that goes back to just having authority, "Okay. What time do you get off work?"


"Four o'clock."


"Oh, that's great. We have plenty of appointments after four o'clock. We have this and this available."


Sometimes when I'm scheduling people, I think of, "Okay, sometimes you have to treat them like they're your kids. You want this, you need this. This is how we're going to get there."


And being authoritative with them. Schedule is usually the biggest objective that you get.

Dr. Danielle:



Objection, yeah, that you get from people. And just learning the best way to continue leading them to setting up that appointment. Every once in a while, like you mentioned earlier, you may get someone who say, "I don't know if I'm ready to see a chiropractor. Yeah, I do have this pain."


Reassuring them, "Well, this is definitely the right thing for you to do. You need to come in and talk to the chiropractor about this issue that you're having. They will listen to your concerns. They will listen to any fears that you have or anything that may be keeping you from feeling comfortable. The doctor's the absolute best person to talk to about that. Why don't we go ahead and schedule tomorrow at 10 for you to come in and see Dr. Kauffman?"


Just guiding them and leading them.


Yeah. And just assuming, not ...


Yeah, totally.


"Is it fine? Can we still go ahead and get you scheduled?"


You're always going back to, "Let's go ahead and put you down for 10. Fair enough, is that good?"


"Yeah, that's very good."


I also liked what you said about being authoritative and some of that may be because you've been doing this for eight years, have been a practice rep because I know some CAs that are following up. Sometimes they're intimidated, especially if they get somebody that's a little rougher, maybe a little stern on the phone. It's very easy for them to just, "Okay."


And hang up. Something else that we see is some staff will say, "Hey, I've called all 10 of these. These didn't answer. They had three come in, seven didn't answer or changed their mind or whatever."


And then so they think, "Yeah, Facebook leads don't work."


And in their mindset, every time they see somebody come in is, "Ah, these just aren't ... They're not high quality, if you will."


I really liked that. Do you ever have somebody say, "I don't remember signing up."


You ever heard of that.


I have had a couple of people say that. Then I just backtrack like, "Oh, we have this special promotion on our Facebook. You probably were watching our video about chiropractic care, right."


Then I get them to say, "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I did see that video."


"Oh, great. Well, we specialize in taking great care of people. Maybe you have some neck and back pain."


I dig because there's a reason why they filled their information out.

Dr. Bob:



Sometimes when that happens, they'll say, "Oh, that was for my husband."


"Fantastic. We definitely want to meet him. You probably know his schedule really well, too."


I try to get the spouse or whoever they signed up for, to go ahead and book an appointment. And if not, I say, "Oh, I totally understand. Why don't you go ahead and give me your husband's contact number, since you put yours in that signup?"


And I'll make sure that we get him signed up. If you just say, "Oh, okay."


And hang up, you're not going to reach that person.

Dr. Danielle:



Digging a little bit more when they say, "I don't remember signing up."


"Oh, you probably saw our special video on our Facebook about our special voucher that we have."


Almost a hundred percent of the time, they're going to say, "Oh yeah, I did see that. I thought my husband might need it or I thought my daughter might need it."


And just don't give up, say, "Great. We definitely want to give your daughter that voucher. What time should we schedule her appointment for tomorrow, this time or this time?"


And just continuing to talk to the person until you get the result that you need.


That's really good, I love your ... It sounds like you have some sales training, I don't know if you've ... I have a background in phone sales. We didn't do cold calling but we used to sell. I used to sell rare coins, gold, silver platinum. Dr. Bob and I, we talked about this.

Dr. Bob:

Oh, yeah. we did.


... but it was all over the phone. I had a handful of clients that I'd met over the years but how you're saying you're handling yourself on the phone, is the exact same things that we would teach. No matter what they say, "Oh, great."


And then lead them right to the next step. That's really good. What are some tips that you would give chiropractic assistants out there that are following up, that aren't just having the best success? What are some things that you might be able to share with them?


The most important thing, number one, is definitely keeping the right mindset. It could be easy, especially if you have other responsibilities in the office, to let yourself get overwhelmed in a moment and see these sign-ups as, "Oh, my goodness. I got to make that call right now."


And feeling frustrated. You have to keep the mindset that, "This person urgently needs our help. The moment to reach them is now."


And keeping the right mindset of, "This person needs us."


You're helping this person. Positive, "I'm here to connect this person to our doctor."


And not looking at these calls or these emails and texts as just a task that I fulfill throughout the day. It is something vitally important because the right mindset will definitely help you. If you call someone with the wrong mindset, they can hear that, they can feel that.

Dr. Bob:



Keeping the right mindset is vital. Just some logistics things, the spreadsheet that I have, I use Google Docs because I can access that on my phone 24/7, if I need it. It's free. And it really helps me stay organized so that when I have half an hour, an hour in between these things that I'm doing, "Okay, I'm going to take this time. I'm going to reach out to the folks that signed up three days ago that didn't answer."


Organization. You have to be super organized and have a very good plan. And then a couple of other tips, is when I do the initial call, text and email, that's immediate but the folks that don't answer right away, the ones that get called a few days later or a few weeks later, a good time to do that is between six and eight in the evening because they're off work and they're a little easier to get them to comply. If you reach someone at work, a lot of times, they try to push you off, "I'm at work right now, I can't do it."


Calling them off work hours helps a lot. And having done this for a while, I don't know the science behind it, Fridays are a day to get people on the phone and get them to schedule their appointment. I started noticing a pattern recently that I was having three to four times the amount of people pick up, answer, schedule their appointment on a Friday. We speculated a little bit. We might think it's because people are finishing their week. They're relaxing for the weekends. They're more apt to schedule something for the following week but those are the three main tips that I think would really help someone. Keeping the right mindset, staying incredibly organized and some evening hours and on Fridays are great times to reach people.

Dr. Danielle:

Amber's [inaudible 00:18:28] really about between 9:00 PM and 9:00 AM though, those sign-ups, what do we do with that?


Oh, yeah. We don't call them at 12.

Dr. Danielle:



We don't call them at two in the morning. If they signup at two in the morning, they're going to get a call at nine in the morning. That's what we do. It's professional. It's appropriate for ... They're only going to get a call from us between nine and nine, 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM.


That's good. What about over the weekends? If somebody comes in on Saturday. Do you just wait until Monday?


Same thing on Saturday, same thing on Sunday. Actually, Sunday and Saturday, I do reach out to folks when they signup.



Dr. Danielle:

Oh, yeah.


Most of them are off work on their phone. That's when they signed up. I do reach out to them on Saturdays and Sundays as well.


Do you happen to have the schedule in front of you or how do you do that? How do you know what's available? Or do you know what new patient hours typically are?


Both of our offices are really good at sending me updated new patient appointment availability every evening. I have access to that on my laptop, on my phone, all the time.


That's good, that's good.

Dr. Danielle:

Yeah, Amber doesn't work out of the office.

Dr. Bob:


Dr. Danielle:

She works out of the home or on the road or she comes to the office off and on at both offices throughout the week but not on a consistent basis.

Dr. Bob:

One thing that these guys I think, take for granted is the accountability factor because Amber and Dr. Danielle have a weekly meeting where they go through all these statistics. And in the past, we had had someone say, "Well, I didn't get any sign-ups all weekend. Well, we have the data right in front of us that shows exactly how many sign-ups they had."

Dr. Bob:

And Dr. Danielle is aware of it on a daily basis. When a signup occurs, it pings on both of their phones, simultaneously. Dr. Danielle knows and Amber knows and they're watching each other.

Dr. Danielle:

And Amber and I strategize all the time to improve our ratios. The arrival rate, if it's 70%, how do we get to 80% plus? Her and I strategize every week. Dr. Robert helps Amber do a new video. Once a week, they do a new little video. It takes 30 minutes. It's not that difficult.

Dr. Bob:

Well, the thing is, it's a standing scheduled meeting for numbers and for the video production. And it happens every week, no matter what.

Dr. Danielle:


Dr. Bob:

Consistently. And that accountability, the three of us are all watching the process. There's no wiggle room there. All of us keep each other honest in terms of the production, the followup, the statistics ...

Dr. Danielle:

The strategies, "How do we get better?"

Dr. Bob:

And you can't just dump this at a CA's lap and say, "Here, do it."

Dr. Danielle:

And the internal staff, they're too busy with what's going on in the office internally. I think you have to dedicate a person to do that. I don't think you can utilize a front desk person to do that. The quality of the work's not going to be the same. I think you have to have a dedicated person to do this.

Dr. Bob:

I agree with that.

Dr. Danielle:


Dr. Bob:

But they have to be very well-trained and Amber had been out in the field for years. I remember when we first talked about this and I said, "Amber, you don't have to do the mile vision anymore. They already said, 'Yes, I want to come in'. And at this point it's just scheduling the appointment."

Dr. Danielle:


Dr. Bob:

And then our doctors started saying, "Oh, we don't like the ... We don't think the fair sign-ups are as good as the Facebook sign-ups."

Dr. Danielle:

They're all good signup.

Dr. Bob:

And I corrected them very politely. And I said, "All sign-ups are good."

Dr. Bob:

... but I think they noticed that the quality of the people that signed up through Facebook ads, was surprisingly very, very high and ...

Dr. Danielle:

This also does not ... Amber, at that point, as far as in the community events, as a practice representative, we used to do events seven days a week. Any events, small events, big events, medium events. Now, we're being very selective.

Dr. Bob:


Dr. Danielle:

We only pick quality events, like a health fair or something we know will do very well, versus trying to do all these different events seven days a week. This is giving us or giving Amber the opportunity to be more selective in picking out certain events. And then she dedicates the rest of her time to the Facebook sign-ups.



Dr. Danielle:



Roughly out of the 34 over the past week, you guys are expecting 24, 25, if not more to come in. That's great, that's a lot of new patients a week.


It is.

Dr. Danielle:

It is.


What do you do when you're following up with these people a month or two later or even a year or two later? What's your script on that?

Dr. Danielle:



I was a little nervous when I first started calling the ones that were three and four years old because I'm like, "I don't know if they're going to remember signing up."


I was surprised at the number of people that still remembered, "Oh, my goodness. Yeah, I signed up for that."


And it's funny because time is ... People think, "Oh, I think I signed up for that last year."


And it was four years ago. I'm like, "Oh, yeah. We wanted to touch base with you because you hadn't had a chance to come in and use your voucher. And we just wanted to reach back out and make sure you had the opportunity to do that. I have this time and this time available."


Simple as that.


"Oh, I don't think I'm interested right now. Thank you."


"Well, it's really important that you take the opportunity to have the doctor take a look at what's going on. What are the things that were causing you pain? Was it back pain? What was it that caused you to get the voucher in the first place?"


"From time to time, my lower back bothers me but it's been fine here lately. I haven't had any issues."


"It sounds like you're experiencing flare ups and that does usually indicate an issue that should be looked at. And we've learned that our health is priceless, especially over this last year. We have to take really good care of ourselves. I would really encourage you, take advantage of the voucher. The doctor's going to give you excellent information. You can ask questions too, to see how we can help you best. And I really think you should take this 30, 45 minutes out of your day, come in and talk to the doctor and have them see what they can do to help you feel better."


Good. Very, very good. Any last minute things or any other tips or comments to help some of these other doctors because really, I love how successful you guys have been with this. And we have a lot of other offices like you guys too but we've worked with thousands of chiropractors and it does hurt me when someone cancels and we see they're gaining results but they're saying they're not getting them in. And so that's why we wanted to start doing interviews like this, is just to help that but what are any other ...

Dr. Danielle:

I'll say something.



Dr. Bob:

I will, too.

Dr. Danielle:

Yeah. Really, what people have to remember is if they're not ... I'm going to be blunt a little bit. That's just the way that I am.



Dr. Danielle:

If they say that they're not having good success, it's their own fault because you guys are a great company and you are getting us the sign-ups. It's up to us to make sure that they arrive. Offices that say that they don't have good results, it is their fault. They need to change their system, have a better follow up, maybe have a person solely dedicated to that but you guys get us the sign-ups and that's what we have you for. It's up to us to get them through the door. That's really my best recommendation, is do it better.

Dr. Bob:

And note to the doctors, it's not about you. When you gave me that book in the beginning, I think it was called Story Branding, it's about the patient. you are the facilitator that helps the patient through this journey of healing. And then they end up winning at the end scene of the movie where they're healthy. We are facilitators. I see a lot of videos where it's the doctor, the doctor, the doctor talking about his technique and how great he is. People don't watch that. We made Amber into the spokesman for chiropractic essentially and we took the doctors out of the mix. They see the doctor when they come in but we made Amber as the spokesperson during COVID, just because she had a lot of time on her hands. We had no events.

Dr. Danielle:

The little videos is Amber doing them.

Dr. Bob:

Yeah. Do you ever get anybody that says, "Hey, were you the one on the video?"


Yeah, all the time.

Dr. Bob:

The person that's calling them is the person that just spoke to them in the video. I don't know if that helps but I think it does.


Yeah, I think it's good too.

Dr. Bob:

Yeah, yeah.




Yeah, that's ...


And you-


Go ahead.


I will say, just to piggyback off that, is I don't know if the doctors have a tendency to do this but I even had a tendency to do this when I was out in the field, is to get too technical and too complicated at the beginning. We really try to keep our videos very simple, very simple to where everybody can really understand. If you make it super complicated, they may feel like, "Oh, I just watched this video on chiropractic. I got a free consult right here. I'm good."


You want to just address the issue so that they take the initiative to signup for the voucher and not over-complicate the videos. And then another thing I wanted to say, is your new patients, I look at them like my little babies. They have to be treated with a little more patience and a little more gently. Your patients that have already fallen in love with the office and the care, they're going to show up for their visits. They're going to probably be on time for their visits. New patients have not had the opportunity, especially folks that are signing up on Facebook. They've seen a video. They haven't had a face-to-face interaction with us yet in person. We have to win them over. We have to be really patient. If you get someone who answers, who's a little gruff or isn't quite ready, they might be scared.

Dr. Bob:



They may have never gone to a chiropractor before.

Dr. Bob:


Dr. Danielle:



Just like I would out in the field, it's reassuring people, making them feel safe, making them feel comfortable, making them feel like they're being heard. I think that's something that chiropractors do really well, is to listen to their patients and get them the results that they need. When you're dealing with folks, when they first signup and you call them, you have to realize ... You have to make a excellent impression on them. And they have to feel that we are really excited to have them come into the office. It's really important. They need a little bit extra care than your regular maintenance visits or folks that have been with you for 15 years. They're probably a little apprehensive. They may have heard something from a cousin who went to a chiropractor one time and we're having to overcome that. A lot of patience, a lot of passion and really just investing a lot of good energy into these calls. They really need us and they want us.

Dr. Bob:



We've talked before and some different training I've done and even one-on-one with doctors and staff, about the value of the patient, right because you're not only is it ... Whatever the cost of their care is but they could be referring their family and friends over the lifetime. You have to look, each one of these is possibly $10,000 or more but I love how you guys are looking at it. It's not about that. You guys are coming at this from a total place of serving and of love. Like, "They need us, we're here to help. They need what we have. How can we win them over to let them know we can help them?"

Dr. Danielle:


Dr. Bob:



It's very good.

Dr. Bob:

It's abut changing lives. My dad just went to a chiropractor randomly and it changed his life. It changed my life because I became a chiropractor because of that. When a patient comes to a chiropractor, he might never need a back surgery because of that. He might have a whole different second half of his life that is pain-free, which is going to affect his wife, his children, his grandchildren and everybody around him. We get to be the hero in the middle of the movie that helps this poor soul find their way to the winning scene but that's what we do. It's not about me. It's about the patient and getting them to win. And the win is being healthy.

Dr. Danielle:


Dr. Bob:

If we keep that mindset foremost, then we don't get lost ourselves and we keep focused on our core mission.

Dr. Danielle:

It requires good management because you're dealing with a lot of numbers and names and emails and phone numbers. And like Amber said earlier, you have to be very organized. And so that intricate part, the system part of it is very important but the ultimate result is to get that patient better and keep that patient for their lifetime.


Yeah. Thank you guys, so much for this. Here's a question a little bit ... It's not one that we had previously discussed. Do you have any idea the impact financially, that ChiroCandy has had on your practice? Have you ever looked at those numbers?

Dr. Danielle:

Well, we do. We analyze our return and we analyze how much we put into our budget and what the return is. And we've been with you for four years now, so that speaks for itself.



Dr. Danielle:

That's all I'm going to say.


Sure, sure. Well no, that's good. Thank you guys so much for this. Really appreciate it. And hope it helps a lot of other offices get the success that you guys have.

Dr. Danielle:

And Billy, we're always available to answer questions. Don't hesitate to give them my email address and Amber's email address.

Dr. Bob:

And someone told me to read this book by Billy and Brady Sticker. It's on the top of my stack, Billy.


Well, good. Good. Appreciate it.

Dr. Bob:

Tribe of new patients.


All right. Thank you, guys.

Dr. Danielle:

Thank you.


Thank you.

Dr. Bob:

Thank you.

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